
This chapter aims to provide guidelines on migrating from NixOps 1.x to 2.0.

Code layout changes

Using NixOps 1.0 multiple deployments spread out over the file and deployed from any working directory with the --deployment (-d) parameter.

NixOps 2 however requires a file relative to the invocation working directory. It needs to be called either nixops.nix for a traditional deployment or flake.nix for the as of yet experimental flakes support.

State location

In NixOps 1.0 deployment state such as provisioned resources are stored in a SQLite database located in ~/.nixops.

NixOps 2 however has pluggable state backends, meaning that you will have to make a choice where to store this state.

To implement the old behaviour of loading deployment state from the SQLite database located in ~/.nixops add the following snippet to your deployment:

  network = {
    storage.legacy = {};

To use a different location than ~/.nixops, also export the environment variable $NIXOPS_STATE. You can define that in your shell.nix.

To implement a fire-and-forget strategy use this code snippet:

  network = {
    storage.memory = {};

For additional state storage strategies see the various NixOps plugins.

State migration

Migrating to any non-legacy backend from a previous deployment requires a manual migration step.

  1. Start by configuring the legacy backend as such

  network = {
    storage.legacy = {};
  1. Then export the current state

$ nixops export > state.json
  1. Now go ahead and configure your desired state backend.

  2. And finally import the old state

$ nixops import < state.json
  1. Make sure to remove state.json as it may contain deployment secrets.